Semester Review.

Semester Review

The semester came and gone, quicker then i thought possible. While i struggled to find motivation to get work done among most classes, i would find the motivation during the start of December, while this was not enough time to raise my grades fully, i did attempt to catch up as much as i can and will continue to work for the rest of the year. Of course i doomed this on myself, and the struggle was not worth it.

~My quality of work was not the best and i know i can do much much more and much much    better. The quality wasn't the lowest though, it's not like i stole photos from google.  I will have  to learn from this and do better next semester.

My photos were clear and well shoot for the most part. While my photoshop photos lacked. I enjoyed taking actual photos, but editing them was more work and at a point in my semester i didn't want to do that. The quality of these end photos were fine. Not great, not amazing, but fine. Just fine, plain and simple. Not the best i could have done. It took me longer then most to complete an assignment and i would say that was due to my lack of motivation and me focusing on things which did not matter at the present time.  paid attention to the tasks for the assignments and did as i should, but not beyond what was asked. Most of my work was boring to me and me being concerned about what i did for the assignments and ultimately doing something boring.

~My effort. It was low and not even close enough to pass the class, which i understood before as i do now. I will continue to solve this issue and put as much effort as i can next semester, and for all of my classes.

I actively took photos, but took awhile to actual edit them or post them. I did look for the easiest things to do, due to me worrying taking photos of what i want will lead to a dispute, due to me wanting to take photos with things which held my political and just general opinions. So i refrained from that and did what was easy. While i did do some planning i didn't put much effort into the actual doing part of my plan, which may have led me to have lower grades. If a shot is hard i have no problem overcoming it and getting the shot. I could take risks but i avoided it all together. I didn't say much when looking over others work, but everyone did what they though was acceptable to them, so i held no opinion over if it was bad overall, of course i thought some to be silly, not as great as others, but i understood they might have been being creative so in that aspect i wouldn't say any were horrible. I have no positive outlook for my own work. It was bad, lacking in effort, boring, just like most things i do.

~Participation. While i showed up on time everyday i was at school and worked independently, i did not use the full class time or put effort into my plans.

I showed up everyday on time. I have never been late to this class, only missing when i had immigration interviews, shots, etc. My ability to work is there, i just didn't express it like i should have. I had decent planning but terrible effort into these plans. I did not stay on task often in class which hurt my grade and work output.

~Improvement. I'm not sure i actually had any improvement other then me learning how to use photoshop better.

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~Adjustments. I have many plans and some motivation for next semester, so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully i can get my grades up and my GPA, so i can join the Air Force or become an actor as i enjoy acting and the ability to be somewhere else, in a different universe, being someone else.

I have plans to put my motivation into results and work hard to get my grades up, merely for my own benefit and what i want to do in the future, and enjoyment from doing something right. I will take the photos well, i will focus on improving in photoshop and putting out results, not being worried if my photos will lose me grades due to what they consist of. I am excited to improve during the next semester.


My suggestion for any assignment would be giving us the ability to take photos of things we enjoy, photoshop them to make them stand out and look better. Say i enjoy cars, i'd take a couple photos of certain cars, edit them however i like and improve the photo.

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