The power of internet images.

Q. How is she trying to portray herself?
A. I feel like she is trying to portray that she is adventures, happy, joyful, energetic, of good nature.

Q. Do you think she was successful?
A. Yes. i do indeed believe she was effective, she sat atop a roof which could show that she was adventures and energetic, she posted a picture of her holding hands with someone which i believe could show that she is happy and joyful. The finals photo she posted showed her at a beach which i believe could show that she is calm and of good nature. A lot of people don't care to go to the beach, most people just want to work and make as much money as possible.

Q. Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good neighbor? A good friend?
A. Since she portrays herself a certain way it is hard to be sure, but if we base what we think from how she portrayed herself, I'd say yes. She seems like she would be good with kids and friends, she seems like she could be reliable and dependable. Of course she will flaws we can not notice or see, but we are going by what we see.


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