"Lost in the world like me." Response. 

Q. What is the general premise of the video?

A. The premise of the video is that people are distracted by their phones and don't pay attention to whats around them, people are bland and a lot of people are the same.

Q. Is the video effective in conveying its intended message?

A. Yes it is, its easy to follow along and understand. The message is clear and it isn't hard to understand it.

Q. Do you feel this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an extermination of our current social situation? why?

A. A cautionary story. Our world isn't like how the story shows, not yet anyways. We still have time to change and not go completely into the world the story shows. I don't know if we will or not, but there are things to insure we don't. Either way, its a warning of what can happen.


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